Many significant scenes and episodes of the third season of Game of Thrones were filmed in Morocco, thus we’ve dedicated numerous pages on this blog to Game of Thrones locations in Morocco. We’ve already gone over Essaouira in-depth because it’s one of the most well-known cities in the series: now it’s Ouarzazate’s turn, which served as the backdrop for another city in Game of Thrones. Here’s what we have to say about it.

In Game of Thrones, Ouarzazate is known as Yunkai, or the Yellow City, a slaver in the Bay of Slaves. His allusion to color is undoubtedly in reference to the adobe of some houses in Ouarzazate, as it has been the most often used material in Berber architecture for centuries. It is one of the most notable towns in the series because of this, as well as its unique orography: it is a walled city that encompasses an entire hill. However, Ouarzazate is not exactly like that; rather, the layout was influenced by the second location used to film Yunkai: Ait Ben Haddou.

Where in Ouarzazate were scenes from Game of Thrones filmed?

It should be pointed out that, as you will well know if you are a fan of this legendary series, sophisticated special effects are used in post-production. This allows you to modify not only the movements and actions of the fight but also change elements of the landscape. For this reason, the architecture of Yunkai does not agree 100% with the original constructions of Ouarzazate or with those of Ait Ben Haddou.

That said, it’s impossible to deny the resemblance of the Kasbah of Taourirt to the city walls of Yunkai, which are well appreciated in key moments of the series, such as when Daenerys Targaryen is hailed by the slaves at the end of the 3rd season.

But in reality, that has not been the space in Ouarzazate that has had the most weight to set Yunkai: the place that has captured the most filming has been the Atlas Studios, the largest film studios in Morocco. They are located on the outskirts of this city and their large sets were used to record shorter shots, thus taking advantage of the long journey of the actors and the production team of the series.

And nowadays, what can you visit?

Fortunately for Game of Thrones lovers, the setting of Ouarzazate can now be seen inside. The kasbah of Taourirt, which was formerly the home of the powerful Thami El Glaoui, may now be visited as part of our desert circuits. The Atlas Studios are also open to the public, even if some of its spaces are being used for the filming of other shows or films.

As you can see, the imprint of Game of Thrones in Ouarzazate is very present today and for this reason, many travelers dedicate part of their program to visiting and photographing these evocative places. If you are also interested in it, Morocco Agogo Tours can organize a tailor-made experience.